iPADIS calls for harmonized policies, protocols on health against Covid-19

iPADIS calls for harmonized policies, protocols on health against Covid-19

The International Partners for Aviation Development, Innovation, and Sustainability (iPADIS), in a statement today at the virtual ICAO High-Level Conference on COVID-19, called for wider global cooperation in dealing with the ongoing pandemic.

Speaking at the Ministerial Session of the Conference, which started yesterday 12th and ends 22nd October 2021, the founding President of iPADIS, Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, commended the President of the ICAO Council and the Secretary-General of ICAO for convening this timely conference and for all the hard work that has been done to support member States and industry in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, including the ICAO CART recommendations.

Dr. Aliu emphasized that “the pandemic has underscored the impact of public and user’s confidence on operational and financial viability of air transport; the importance of harmonised air travel-related public health policies and protocols and their proper communication with the travelling public and civil society; the equitable availability of vaccines and testing facilities, as well as inter-sectoral collaboration all of which affects lives and livelihoods of people and their ability to return to air travel”.

Dr. Aliu also urged “States, ICAO, WHO, and other intergovernmental organisations to more actively engage the views of the travelling public and society in their decision-making processes and to facilitate a more active involvement of non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure that international civil aviation policies, plans, and programmes consider the interests of users of air transport services and overall benefits to the society”.

While expressing iPADIS’ support to the general thrust of the draft Ministerial Declaration, he requested that “the importance of collaboration with NGOs and civil society organisations should be adequately reflected in the final Ministerial Declaration”.

Dr. Aliu pointed to ongoing activities of iPADIS to support States in their response to the challenges of COVID-19 and serving as an interface to foster cooperation among States, the aviation industry, and civil society.

In this regard, he referred to the existing frameworks for cooperation that have been established with a number of States, ICAO, the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC), and the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), as well as with many NGOs to address current and future air transport challenges.

The iPADIS delegation at the conference includes iPADIS Board Directors Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez, Raymond Benjamin, Sherif Attia, and Denis Chagnon, as well as other iPADIS members.

iPADIS is an independent, international non-governmental organization (NGO) of public and private partnerships.

It operates on a not-for-profit basis to lead effective advocacy for positive change in the global aviation industry and promotes the development of international civil aviation in an innovative, sustainable, and socially responsible manner.

Tersoo Agber

Journalist, Travel enthusiast, PR consultant, Content manager/editor, Online publisher.