NCAA Launches Consumer Protection Portal for Real-Time Complaint Resolution

NCAA Launches Consumer Protection Portal for Real-Time Complaint Resolution

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has initiated a comprehensive training program for its consumer protection officers (CPOs) and airline staff representatives on the usage of an innovative consumer protection portal. 

This groundbreaking portal, set to launch before the end of the year, is designed to address passenger complaints in real time and ensure timely performance by all airlines operating within Nigeria.

The two-day training session commenced on Wednesday at the NCAA corporate headquarters in Abuja, under the auspices of the Acting Director-General, Civil Aviation, Nigeria, Captain Chris Najomo. 

Representing Captain Najomo, the Director of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection, Mr. Michael Achimugu, highlighted the portal’s potential to revolutionise complaint resolution processes.

“There has never been a consumer protection portal in the NCAA. This is the first. This is historic. When you check the time frame it took us to get to this point, you will see the determination to make it work,” said Najomo. 

He noted that the inception of the portal began during his tenure as the Director of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection, emphasizing its critical role in easing the duties of the 260 CPOs across Nigerian airports.

The new portal is part of Captain Najomo’s 2024 action plan to foster a business-friendly environment within the aviation sector. 

It is designed not only to streamline the complaint process but also to collect and utilize data effectively. 

“This portal is also for data collation. You will agree that data is a major issue in Nigeria. In the aviation industry, you can’t make a proper plan and get things right without data. This portal makes it easier for everyone, including stakeholders,” he added.

One of the key features of the portal is its transparency. It allows for the tracking of complaints sent to airlines and the subsequent resolution process. 

“We don’t need to name and shame because it is a self-reporting system. You are already naming and shaming yourself if you don’t perform well,” Najomo emphasised.

The Assistant General Manager of Consumer Protection, Mrs. Ifueko Abdulmalik, explained that the portal aligns with NCAA’s broader goal of automating its processes to meet international standards. 

“In the past, we did it manually, but it wasn’t very efficient. With automation, everything is simplified, and we will have better results in consumer complaint resolutions,” she noted. 

She further elaborated that the portal would enable airline staff to view complaints in real time, ensuring faster and smoother resolution processes, ultimately leading to higher consumer satisfaction. 

Additionally, the portal allows for continuous monitoring by high-level officials, including the Minister and the DGCA, ensuring regulatory compliance and transparency.

As the NCAA prepares for the portal’s official launch, the agency said thorough training of its officers and airline staff is deemed crucial for its successful implementation and utilisation. 

This initiative marks a significant step towards the automation of the agency’s consumer protection system with a view to enhancing passenger experience at the airports and improving the overall efficiency of Nigeria’s aviation industry.

Tersoo Agber

Journalist, Travel enthusiast, PR consultant, Content manager/editor, Online publisher.