NCAA to Crack Down on Airlines Over Misleading Departure Times

NCAA to Crack Down on Airlines Over Misleading Departure Times
Captain Chris Najomo, DG, CAA

…scores 98% in PEBEC ranking

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has issued a stern warning to airlines over the increasing incidents of deceptive departure time scheduling. 

The Acting Director General of Civil Aviation, Captain Chris Najomo, declared on Tuesday that the NCAA will enforce strict regulatory actions against any airlines that continue to engage in such infractions.

During a media interview at the NCAA’s corporate headquarters in Abuja, Capt. Najomo, represented by Mr. Michael Achimugu, Director of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection, emphasised the Authority’s zero-tolerance approach towards regulatory violations. 

Capt. Najomo, who assumed office with a focus on facilitating business operations within the aviation sector, has streamlined licensing processes, significantly reducing the time and complexity involved in securing an Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC).

“The NCAA expects airlines to reciprocate by providing world-class services to passengers,” stated Mr. Achimugu. 

He highlighted that while the NCAA has made it easier for airlines to conduct their operations, it is imperative that airlines, in turn, deliver superior services to passengers. 

The NCAA has observed reports of airlines advertising misleading departure times, which is against the regulatory guidelines that prohibit displaying deceitful passenger departure times on any platform, including counters, advertisements, or websites. 

Capt. Najomo has directed rigorous monitoring of these practices, with a promise of severe regulatory consequences for violators.

Emphasising the Authority’s commitment to safety, discipline, and economic regulation, Mr. Achimugu mentioned the recent suspension of ten Personal Non-Commercial Flight (PNCF) holders for non-compliance with recertification advisories issued in April 2024. 

He stressed the importance of fair treatment of passengers and highlighted the NCAA’s supportive stance towards airline profitability due to their significant economic value.

Capt. Najomo also shed light on the NCAA’s achievements in enhancing the business environment, citing a high score of 98.5 percent on the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC) ranking. 

This achievement surpasses the commendable score of 71.04 obtained during the recent ICAO Security Audit, reflecting continuous improvements in the sector.

Addressing the issue of delayed refunds, Capt. Najomo mandated that all refunds by airlines must be processed within 14 working days, regardless of the ticket purchase method. 

Regarding the suspension of PNCF licenses for ten operators, he explained that the affected operators had been advised since April 2024 to commence the recertification process but failed to comply, leaving the NCAA no choice but to enforce sanctions.

The NCAA’s firm stance is aimed at ensuring that airlines adhere to regulations, provide accurate information to passengers, and maintain high service standards, thereby fostering a safer and more efficient aviation industry.

Tersoo Agber

Journalist, Travel enthusiast, PR consultant, Content manager/editor, Online publisher.