NCAA warns airlines against thunderstorms

NCAA warns airlines against thunderstorms
Usman Muhtar, DG, NCAA

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has called on all Pilots and airline operators to exercise extreme caution in flight operations with a view to avoiding unforeseeable air disaster during the rainy season laced attendant thunderstorms.

In a statement signed by the General Manager, Public Relations, NCAA, Mr. Sam Adurogboye, the Authority said the rainy season, which is torrential, is prevalent in the Southern and Northern parts of Nigeria and is usually accompanied by severe thunderstorms which could impact the safety of flight operations.

it also said there were many other hazardous weather occurrences such as severe turbulence, microburst or low-level wind-shear and occasionally hail events are bound to affect air navigation.

The Regulatory Authority, therefore, directs all Pilots to recourse to utmost restraint whenever adverse weather is observed or forecast by the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMET).

“Pilots and Flight Crews shall mandatorily obtain adequate, en route and destination weather information and briefing from NiMET Aerodrome Meteorological offices before flight operations.

In the same vein, Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) and Flight Crews/Operators shall ensure total compliance with all aerodromes operating minima.

It is quite important for all intending air travellers and airline operators to note that in line with Standard and Recommended Practices (SARPs) Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) may temporarily close airspace during inclement weather conditions,” the Authority warned.

The NCAA noted that such adverse weather conditions as severe thunderstorms, squall lines microburst or low-level wind-shear were also observed or forecast by NiMET.

“It would be recalled that a similar weather alert was issued by the Authority in March at the advent of the rainy season. It was circulated to the entire industry stating ahead of time what to expect and recommended precautionary measures.

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) expects strict adherence to this directive to ensure the safety of air transportation in Nigeria.”

Tersoo Agber

Journalist, Travel enthusiast, PR consultant, Content manager/editor, Online publisher.