Thunderstorms may disrupt flight operations, NCAA warns

Thunderstorms may disrupt flight operations, NCAA warns

…enjoins stakeholders to adhere strictly weather advisory

Captain Musa Nuhu, Director-General, NCAA

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has warned of impending thunderstorms that may disrupt flight operations in the nation’s airspace.

In a Weather Advisory Circular issued by the Director-General, NCAA, Captain Musa Nuhu, the Authority called on airline operators, pilots, air traffic controllers and other stakeholders to adhere strictly to weather advisory forecast from the NIMET.

The Authority explained that the objective for the issuance of the Advisory Circular was to draw attention pilots, airlines and other stakeholders to the impending phenomenon, and the need to be cautious of the adverse effects.

It added, “The statistics from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) so far indicated that most of the airports have recorded quite a number of thunderstorms between March and July 2020.

In the month of July 2020, NIMET data indicate the following number of thunderstorm occurrence: Abuja (23), Ikeja (8), Kano (24), Port Harcourt (11), Owerri (17) and Benin (11).

In the same month, gustiness range between 22Kt and 42Kt at the listed airports. 

The purpose of this AC is to bring forth the evolving weather information which could adversely affect safe and efficient flight operations post Covid-19 pandemic. 

Severe thunderstorms and many other hazardous weather phenomena such as severe turbulence, microburst, low-level wind shear and hail events that could affect the safety of flight operations are possible during the rainy season.

Therefore, all stakeholders are expected to perform their roles as stated below in order to ensure the safety of flight operations, the AC said.

By this circular: 

Air Traffic controllers may temporarily close airspace when hazardous weather conditions such as severe thunderstorms squall lines microburst or low level wind-shear are observed or forecast by NIMET. 

Flight Crews/Operators and Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) shall ensure adherence to aerodrome weather minima.

Pilots shall exercise maximum restraint whenever adverse weather is observed or forecast by NIMET. 

Pilot / Flight Crew Members shall obtain adequate departure, en-route and destination weather information and briefing from NIMET Aerodrome Meteorological offices prior to flight operations. 

The Authority will expect strict compliance to this circular from all stakeholders and violation would be viewed seriously.”

Tersoo Agber

Journalist, Travel enthusiast, PR consultant, Content manager/editor, Online publisher.