Unlimited Internet: the benefits of surfing with an endless Smile

Unlimited Internet: the benefits of surfing with an endless Smile

By Marvens Marc Obi

Becoming a digital citizen in today’s digital world is the yearning of every business owner, techie and career person, to mention the least. But there is a big challenge many people face – data. With different Telecomm companies charging heavy prices for data packages that quickly run out, it becomes difficult to satisfy this yearning.

If you find yourself frequently running out of data or being charged expensive fees for going out of the limit, it might be time to look into an unlimited data plan. While these plans can sometimes be more expensive than traditional data plans, they offer a number of benefits that can make them worth the extra cost.

For instance, Sade Thompson is a Lagos-based independent journalist who has been enjoying unlimited data subscriptions since she switched to a more reliable Internet Service Provider (ISP) that offers robust unlimited data subscriptions with seamless internet connection.

Sade, who publishes an online blog, explained that she used to purchase monthly subscriptions of 10 GB and above at subsidized rates, but discovered that the Net speed would reduce to a crawl after some time. “There were times I needed to quickly publish some breaking news on my blog but my data wouldn’t even scratch the surface of the internet. It was so frustrating,” she noted.

When her frustration became unbearable, she started looking for alternatives. It was then she realized that every subscription package comes with a usage limit. This means that a monthly data subscription with a download speed of 512 kbps, for instance, could be reduced to 256 kbps once the user exceeds its usage limit in less than a month. This is in line with the Fair Usage Policy (FUP) of Internet Service Providers (ISP).

For an avid Net user like Sade who cannot afford to miss any breaking news, it became necessary to switch to Smile, one of Nigeria’s most reliable Internet Service Providers, where she now has access to broadband plans that guarantee unlimited usage speed.

Currently, Sade has subscribed to two unlimited broadband packages at Smile; they include UnlimitedLite, which has 40 GB with a usage speed of up to 8 Mbps and is sold for N12,000 only. The other one is UnlimitedEssential, which has 100 GB with up to 8 Mbps usage speed and sold for N18,000 only. Her reason for purchasing two packages is so she could have unrestricted usage speed on the Net. Thus, if one slows down, she switches to the other.

Another beneficiary of the Smile Unlimited Data Plans is a real estate marketer and investment consultant, Mr Donald Etim. “My priority is speed,” he said. “I don’t download music tracks or videos. But I upload a lot of video content on my YouTube channel and other social media handles. So I have subscribed for the Smile unlimited plan called Freedom 3Mbps,” he added.

The Freedom 3Mbps package comes with 180 GB, up to 3Mbps usage speed, and is sold at a subsidized price of N25,000 only.

Like Donald, if you are a business owner who interacts with clients via video calls on Skype or Zoom, or uploads heavy content on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, you could go for the Freedom 3Mbps or Freedom 6Mbps, which comes with 300 GB, up to 6 Mbps usage speed, and is sold for N30,000 only.

For download addicts who are always glued to the Internet, (streaming videos and audios through home wi-fi network and to multiple devices such as laptops, Smart TVs or phones), they could subscribe to the very robust Freedom BestEffort, which comes with 1 TB (Terabyte), up to 21 Mbps usage speed, and sold for N40,000 only.

And in case you have some skill sets or business ideas you want to sell, all you need do is purchase one or two packages of the Smile unlimited data plans, and you could bulldoze your way to the top 10 popular online skill-based content creators and instructors in Nigeria.

It is also important to note that Smile unlimited data plans are for both heavy and light data users. For instance, if you are a student or an office clerk, and your Internet usage is restricted to emails and basic web surfing, you may not necessarily subscribe to an “unlimited” plan. At Smile Network, there is a package for every budget and need.

The Freedom 3Mbps can easily be used by students for their online studies and entertainment; they could watch recorded lectures, and demos on how to acquire some specific skills and watch movies, listen to music and play online games for N25,000 only.

The Freedom 6Mbps is an excellent solution for a small business owner, offering free internet to patrons. In exchange for the Wi-Fi password, patrons share their email address and mobile number with the business to stay informed on special offers; while they are shopping or enjoying a meal, they can access the internet for free.

The Freedom BestEffort is an ideal solution for internet at home, ensuring enough data for the month, for all the internet access and entertainment needs of the whole family. It is also a great option for small businesses to give their employees access to the internet while at the office.

The UnlimitedLite is a great solution for a couple in their new home or an individual who uses a lot of internet at home and on the go. It can also be used by students for their online studies and entertainment.

The UnlimitedEssential is also a great option plan for students, and home internet for a small size family.

With these and many other benefits not highlighted here, you will agree that unlimited internet opens the pathway to success for intending digital citizens. And if you’re looking for hassle-free data plans to surf the internet, be sure to consider Smile unlimited plans for that endless smile on the Net.

Tersoo Agber

Journalist, Travel enthusiast, PR consultant, Content manager/editor, Online publisher.